bpc\_utils module ================= Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: bpc_utils :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Internal utilities ------------------ .. autoclass:: bpc_utils.MakeTextIO :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. attribute:: obj :type: Union[str, TextIO] The object to manage in the context. .. attribute:: sio :type: StringIO The I/O object to manage in the context if only :attr:`self.obj ` is :obj:`str`. .. attribute:: pos :type: int The original offset of :attr:`self.obj `, if only :attr:`self.obj ` is a seekable :obj:`TextIO`. .. autofunction:: bpc_utils.expand_glob_iter .. autodata:: bpc_utils._boolean_state_lookup .. autodata:: bpc_utils._linesep_lookup